12 September 2020

Our customer scrutiny group InFocus reviews our tenancy agreements

InFocus, our customer scrutiny group supported by our Customer Engagement team, are now nearing the end of the first part of a review of our tenancy agreement which has been carried out 100% through Microsoft Teams.
InFocus on Microsoft Teams call

This is the first time we have undertaken a review of this kind digitally and we have been really pleased with the comments from the customers involved. By working through digital methods, our Engagement team has been able to work with many more customers at one time.

One InFocus member said: ‘’Doing it this way has meant that we have all probably taken part more fully and it has been an efficient way of giving our time as we haven’t had to travel. It is lovely to be able to see and have contact with the LiveWest colleagues who are most knowledgeable about the service we are covering, as we can get a real insight and get questions answered straight away.’’     

Another said: ‘’The process has been easy to follow, clearly set out and we knew what was happening and when.’’

Finally, this member said: ‘’I really like that this is customer driven and great that we have the support of LiveWest colleagues supporting us through each stage. We couldn’t have done it without them.’’ 

You can find more information about InFocus and how you can get involved here