How can I use my car in a greener way?

Cars that run on petrol or diesel create pollution, which is bad for the environment and also unhealthy for people. However, if you need to use a car to get around, there are a few tips you can follow to become a more eco-friendly driver.

Using your car in a greener way could also save you money, as it may mean you use less fuel and it may reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle.

Here are our tips for greener driving:

1. Drive smoothly - you use up more fuel accelerating sharply and stopping quickly. Stay focused on the road and plan ahead to avoid sharp braking. This will save fuel and reduce the wear on your brake pads, as well as making you a safer driver.

2. Stick to the speed limit - driving within the speed limit is a safer and more eco-friendly way to drive. Generally, the faster you are driving the more fuel you are using, and therefore the more emissions you are creating.

3. Check your tyre pressure - correctly inflated tyres reduce the amount of work your car's engine needs to put in to turn the wheels. Check your car's manufacturer's guide to find out the correct tyre pressures for your car, and keep your tyres inflated.

4. Travel light - carrying unnecessary weight in your car uses more fuel. Remove any items from the boot that you don't need. Removing roof racks and boxes will also save fuel by making your car more aerodynamic.

5. Turn off your engine if stuck in traffic - if you know you're going to be stopped for a few minutes or more, turn off your engine to save fuel.

6. Car pool - whether you're going to work, taking your kids to school or heading to the gym, try sharing your drive with friends, family or colleagues to reduce the number of cars on the road and cut emissions.

7. If you don't need to drive, don't! Try walking, cycling or using public transport instead.